with Ryan Daniel Moran

February had some setbacks, apart from that Ryan’s businesses collectively totaled over a million dollars in revenue, which is slightly lower than last month’s revenue. In this podcast episode Ryan shares the status of his businesses, how they’re doing, as well as investments and their growth or retraction.

This month was tough across all board’s, there were quite a bit of challenges to say the least.

A good deal came to light with an acquisition that closed on February 1. The revenues generated on that business were $250,000. compared to the month before and looking at the comparison of the businesses measured in January compared to the businesses in February, there is about a $350,000 retraction from January into February.

Mini Vacation Delayed This Income Report

Getting this income report to you later than usual, For the first time in 4 years Ryan took a vacation for more than a few days. something he has never done. It was great..the most important thing when working hard is making sure you make some time for R&R...

Lets Break Down The Revenues

Breaking down the revenues: top line revenue was about $1 million over all of the businesses, and the breakdown looked like this:

So Let’s Break Down The Revenues primary business is sports nutrition and fitness company, revenues for that were about 450,000. didn’t have a whole lot of orders in February.

Good Things Can Now Come To Light

Ryan did strike a fantastic retail deal that will take the products in between 800 and 1100 stores nationwide in the next 30 to 45 days. As soon as that is live and actually, physically in stores nationwide, Ryan will talk more about it.

Orders did not come in until March. the team was caught in the in between Amazon orders in January, and March, as well as the retail orders kick in March, but there was a gap in February where there were Ryan didn’t have the same amount of orders that we would normally have.

the good news is that Ryan finally have cracked the launch processes and the ranking processes on Amazon in a way that is more sustainable, and profitable, and faster.


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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EDT